Colombia minerales


This theme is built on the Warp framework, a well-engineered theme framework for WordPress and Joomla, and utilizes all of its latest features. The user interface is powered by UIkit, a lightweight and modular front-end framework, which provides the theme’s styling. The theme also comes with a wide range of different layouts and widget variations.


We provide lovingly crafted style variations to give you a glimpse of what is possible with this theme. The built-in theme customizer allows you to modify colors, fonts, sizes and much more without any CSS knowledge. Just choose your colors with the color picker and adjust the theme with only a few clicks. Click on one of the images to see the style.

Animated circle chart

To use our unique circle chart, just add the data-uk-circle-chart attribute to an element and modify it the way you want with the options below.

Option Description Default value
timerSeconds Defines how long it takes to count to 100%. 0
timerCurrent Defines where the animation begins. 0
showPercentage Defines if the percentage number is displayed. true
maxPercent Defines the ending percentage. 100
size Defines the size of the circle. 180
border Defines the width of the circle. 10


<div data-uk-circle-chart="{maxPercent:70,size:220,border:15}"></div>
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